Chapter 13 – Sitting in Silence

Sitting in silence driving home from work he thought, “why does she waste her time with something she knows will not last, does she know, or does she lie to herself?” He knew she is smarter than that so he was struggling to see what he was missing. Earlier that day she had confided something her new boyfriend had shared. He shared a comment his female friend made when seeing a photo of her. It really wasn’t a comment, more of a dispersion about her looks, and I’m sure this guy made a veiled attempt at defending her, but it was still upsetting. This upset him not because of this woman’s insulting comments, but because he knowingly exposed her to ridicule and then shared it in a childish attempt to make himself look good. This so-called friend of his really wasn’t a friend, even though he claimed she was his best friend, she was in fact an ex-girlfriend he kept around for convinent sex. He had been sleeping with her on a regular basis even after they broke up. She was obviously still in love with him. As she shared what happened and what this guys shared his world turned to red. It might have been a minor event in her eyes, and I’m sure this guy probably tried to repair the damage by telling her of the beauty he sees when he looks at her, the fact remains this was a situation he foolishly created. “Did he do it just to make himself look good, why is he playing games,” he wondered? If he wasn’t playing games he was far to old to be this dumb. Even if he apologized, these actions add to his list that make him questionable at best. What game was he trying to play with her heart. It was upsetting because when you really break it down and ananlyze this objectively it was an action of a child, a pointless game this man-boy was playing. He thought, “Someone like this does not deserve her.” He tried to control his anger because he knew its not his place to protect her, and usually this instinct ends up pushing her away. He ended up having dinner with his friend that night to keep himself from stewing in his own anger, and eventually his anger subsided. As his vision cleared his anger turned to sadness. Sadness because this was her choice and knew he could do nothing to protect her. He was sad because he knew it wasn’t his place, but mostly he was sad because he knows all she wants is to be loved. This guy is not capable apprieciating a heart like hers. He may understand her on some levels, and he obviously made a connection with her but he is an imposter at best and his immature selfish actions expose his flaws. He already knew from previous conversations that he will never will be worthy of the gift she gives him, but this just validated his instincts. Admittidly, he feels what he feels for her but his love is always strong enough to see the truth. Unfortunately she doesn’t see it yet, but this guy is not what he seems and will fall short. Again he just has to sit in silence and let the world hurt her again. “I can’t care more than her,” he tells himself constantly.

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